REST API Reference
- 1 Rest API Reference
- 1.1 Service Endpoint
- 1.2 Authorization
- 1.3 Content Type
- 2 Method Descriptions
- 2.1 Get Contingent
- 2.2 Get Domains
- 2.3 Extract
- 2.4 Categorize
- 2.5 Merge
Rest API Reference
Service Endpoint
A complete REST operation is formed by combining an HTTP method (or “verb”) with the full URI to the resource you’re addressing. For example, here is the operation to receive the contingent for a product:
To create a complete request, combine the operation with the appropriate HTTP headers and any required JSON payload.
With each API call, you’ll need to set an Authorization Request header. Set the value of the Authorization header as your product token with the authentication type set as Bearer. How to get your product token is explained here.
Authorization: Bearer <Product-Token>
Content Type
For most REST frameworks it is necessary that you provide a Content Type header with the value 'application/json'.
Content-Type: application/json
Method Descriptions
Get Contingent
Get the current contingent (e.g. number of conversions) left for a specific product.
GET /v1/contingent
Use the GET operation above.
Sample Request using cURL
curl -X GET -v \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Product-Token>'
Sample Request using Windows PowerShell
Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer <Product-Token>"} | Select-Object -Expand Content
If your request is successful, the API returns an integer that describes the contingent left.
Get Domains
Get the most recent domain value lists.
GET /v1/domains/{format}/{language}
Pass the {format} and {language} parameters in the URI of a GET call.
Property | Type | Description |
format | String | The Output Format for the response |
language | String | The preferred Target language in which the domains should be returned |
Sample Request
curl -X GET -v \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Product-Token>'
If your request is successful, the API returns a list with the most recent domain values. Depending on the specified format, the response will look like one of these example responses:
If your request is successful, the API returns a list with the most recent domain values. Depending on the specified format, the response will look like one of these example responses:
Sample XML Response
<domain name="ISOCountry">
<pair code="PR" value="Puerto Rico"/>
<pair code="PS" value="Palestina"/>
Sample JSON Response
"domain": [
"name": "ISOCountry",
"pair": [
"code": "PR",
"value": "Puerto Rico"
This method returns a structured XML containing all extracted information for a provided input file. Based on the selected Extraction Model, the returned XML validates against the respective XML Schema for the applied extraction mode.
The Target Language indicates in which language the long-values for the extracted abstraction codes (like skills, operation areas, education level, …) are returned. It does NOT define target or source language of the whole document. Text translation is not performed.
Extracting from an URL
It is possible to pass an URL instead of a binary document. In this case, the parameter “filename” has to be set to “url” and the parameter “data” has to contain the base64 encoded URL itself!
POST /v1/extract/{format}
Provide the {format} parameter in the URI of a POST call and a JSON payload in the body with the following parameters:
Property | Type | Description |
model | String | |
data | String, base64 encoded | The binary data of the document to be extracted, encoded with base64 |
filename | String | The filename of the document. |
language | String | OPTIONAL: Preferred Target Language. Default is “en” |
If the filename entered in parameter “filename” does not contain a postfix, the extraction will fail
Sample Request
curl -X POST -v \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Product-Token>' \
-d '{ \
"model":"cvlizer_3_0", \
"filename":"cv.pdf", \
"data": "JVBERi0xL ...", \
"language":"de" \
If your request is successful, the API returns a XML object as String, following the respective XML schema based on the chosen Extraction Model. More information on the returned XML can be found in the JoinVision XML 3.0 Schema Description (the returned JSON is equivalent to the XML).
Extracting a LinkedIn/XING profile
To extract data from a LinkedIn or XING profile, “filename” has to be set to “[name].json-linkedin” or “[name].json-xing” respectively, and “data” has to contain the base64 encoded .json of the profile.
JoinVision offers a document classification web service (called “Classifier”) which accepts a set of documents as input, converts each page of the document to PDF, determines the category of each page of the document, extracts the document's plain text and returns a set of categorized documents. The categorization service supports packaged files, like MIME-and MSG-Format (E-mails) and ZIP, also one enclosed in another (like an E-mail with ZIP-attachment). In case of mails the mail body is classified and returned as well.
POST /v1/categorize
Pass the {format} parameter in the URI of a POST call and a JSON payload in the body with the following parameters:
Property | Type | Description |
documents | inputDoc[] | An array of documents of the type InputDoc |
Sample Request
curl -X POST -v \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Product-Token>' \
-d '{ \
'documents': \
[ \
{ \
"filename":"cv.pdf", \
"data": "JVBERi0xL...", \
}, \
{ \
"filename":"letter.doc", \
"data": "SXAolk2f8...", \
} \
] \
If your request is successful, the API returns a JSON Object which consists of an array of OutputDocuments, which contains the binary document as byte array (always “pdf”), the amount of pages, whether or not the document has been OCR converted, the document's original filename, the document's plaintext, and the detected document's category.
Sample Response
This method returns a structured XML containing all extracted information for one or more provided input files of the simple type InputDoc (one of the files is required to be a CV). All provided files are classified, splitted if required, semantically extracted and merged into the CV-XML. Based on the selected extration mode, the returned XML validates against the respective XML Schema for the applied extraction mode. The target language String accords to ISO 639-1 (upper-case).
POST /v1/merge/{format}
Provide the output {format} parameter in the URI of a POST call and a JSON payload in the body with the following parameters:
Property | Type | Description |
model | String | Merge currently only supports model “cvlizer_3_0” |
documents | InputDoc[] | An array of documents of the type InputDoc One of the files is required to be a CV |
language | String | OPTIONAL: Preferred Target Language. Default is “en” |
Sample Request
curl -X POST -v \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Product-Token>' \
-d '{ \
"model":"cvlizer_3_0", \
"documents": \
[ \
{ \
"filename":"cv1.pdf", \
"data": "JVBERi0xL...", \
}, \
{ \
"filename":"cv2.pdf", \
"data": "SXAolk2f8...", \
} \
], \
"language":"de" \
If your request is successful, the API returns a XML object as String, following the respective XML schema based on the chosen Extraction Model. More information on the returned XML can be found in the JoinVision XML 3.0 Schema Description (the returned JSON is equivalent to the XML).