This site contains additional downloadable resources that are useful for integrating the CVlizer/JOBolizer web services into your application.
The domains archive contains files with key-value-pairs for skills, operation areas, country codes, CEFR codes and many more. Our services will return codes or abbreviations. Consult the corresponding domains file for their long values.
The example archive contains example application files (CV, cover letter, diploma, etc.) and their corresponding XML files returned by our services.
The schema formally describes the format of the returned XML result. Every possible tag is listed and explained here. The schema may be used to generate classes for object oriented programming languages, such as Java, as well.
A JavaDoc version of the schema is hosted here.
Demo CSS
Although we encourage our customers to implement an appealing visual representation of the extracted data themselves, we also provide the basic HTML data, as seen in the web demo on our homepage. The HTML demo data is missing style information, which can be downloaded here.