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Call of the extractToXML method via JAX-WS:

URL url = new URL("");
QName qname = new QName("", "SemanticExtractionService");
QName port = new QName("", "SemanticExtractionPort");
Service service = Service.create(url, qname);
ISemanticExtraction ss = service.getPort(port, IsemanticExtraction.class);
byte[] data = ...
System.out.println(ss.extractToXML("username", "password", "EN", "cvlizer_3_0", data, "pdf"));

Call of the categorize-Method via JAX-WS:

URL url = new URL("");
QName qname = new QName("", "SemanticExtractionService");
QName port = new QName("", "SemanticExtractionPort");
Service service = Service.create(url, qname);
ISemanticExtraction ss = service.getPort(port, IsemanticExtraction.class);	
ArrayList<InputDoc> docs = new ArrayList<InputDoc>();
for ( ... all files to be categorized ...)
	InputDoc idoc = new InputDoc();
	byte[] data = ...
InputDocArray ia = new InputDocArray();
OutputDocArray aa = ss.categorize(ia, "hr", "test", "testpassword");
for (OutputDoc doc : aa.getItem())
  	... process categorized documents ...


Call to the extractToXML method via Soap API:

$client = new SoapClient("");
$result = $client->extractToXML($username, $password, "EN", "cvlizer_3_0", $data, $format);

Visual Basic

Call of the extractToXML-Method via .NET (4.5):

Dim client = New ServiceReference.SemanticExtractionClient
Dim data() As Byte
data = …
Console.Out.WriteLine(client.extractToXML("username", "password", "EN", "cvlizer_3_0", data, "pdf"))

“ServiceReference” is the name of the service reference class, which is auto-generated by VisualStudio when importing the service from For any older version of .NET, the generated Web Reference class is used the same way.


Call of the extractToXML-Method via .NET (4.5):

ServiceReference.SemanticExtractionClient client = new ServiceReference.SemanticExtractionClient();
byte[] data = ...
Console.Out.WriteLine(client.extractToXML("username", "password", "EN", "cvlizer_3_0", data, "pdf"));

C# Compatibility Issues

Newer .NET releases do not accept anonymous return values. In this case, the CVlizer WSDL has to be added as “Web Reference” to a .NET project instead of a “Service Reference”. In order to add the web service to an existing Visual Studio Solution please follow these steps:

Add a Service Reference to the Project

In the Service Reference Wizard, go to Advanced Options

In the compatibility section find the option to add a web reference

Navigate to the URL of the WSDL and confirm

You now should be able to create and use a SemanticExtractionService instance to access the web services.


For Python, please utilize the “suds”-SOAP-library as follows (“data” is the binary document):

from suds.client import Client
url = ""
client = Client(url)
xml = client.service.extractToXML('username','password','EN','cvlizer_3_0', data, 'pdf')

Ruby (incl. on Rails)

For Ruby, please utilize the “Savon”-gem in version 2.0 and newer the following way (“FORMAT” is the document type like “pdf” e.g.):

require 'savon'
client = Savon.client do
  endpoint ""
  namespace ""
content =
base64_content = Base64.encode64(content)
response =, message: { username: "USERNAME", password: "PASSWORD", language:"EN", model:"cvlizer_3_0",inputdata:base64_content, inputdatatype:"FORMAT" })

The function “response.body” provides a hash including the returned XML for further processing.


Please utilize the “soap” library for node.js for accessing the service. It is installed using npm:

npm install soap

An example code for converting a CV is:

var soap = require('soap');
  var fs = require("fs");
    var url = '';
    base64 = new Buffer(BINARYDATA).toString('base64');
    if (err) throw err;
      var args = {username:'USERNAME',password:'PASSWORD',language:'DE',model:'cvlizer_3_0',inputdata:base64,inputdatatype:'pdf'};
	soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
	    if (err) throw err;
        client.extractToXML(args, function(err, result) {
		    if (err) throw err;

Binary data has to be converted to Base64 using “Buffer” in order to be properly processed by the API.

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