Error Messages: Reasons and Solutions
The Semantic Extraction from virtually any binary document or web resources, coupled with OCR functionality, is a very complex process. Consequently, the process can sometimes fail for several reasons.
Most of the problems stem from broken or password encrypted documents, inaccessible URLs, or misuse of the service (interface contract violation).
Here’s a detailed list of the most common error messages, their reason of occurrence and possible solutions.
- 1 Username or password not provided
- 2 Username not found
- 3 Invalid Username/Password
- 4 Invalid Auth Token
- 5 Product locked
- 6 Product expired
- 7 Authentication via Password not supported
- 8 Account locked
- 9 One or more parameters are not provided
- 10 No enum constant com.jv.iex.models.Model.XXXX
- 11 File length too short
- 12 Too many requests are currently processed by this user (queue length exceeded)
- 13 Too many concurrent connections from same IP: XX
- 14 Input Data/File is locked because it’s currently processed or has caused errors within the last XX hours and is therefore rejected
- 15 Could not filter job offer from URL
- 15.1 HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
- 15.2 HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
- 15.3 HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
- 15.4 HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
- 15.5 HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
- 15.6 Illegal Character in fragment at index XX
- 15.7 Could not crawl XXXX Code: 0 - Host name may not be null
- 15.8 Could not crawl XXXX Code: 0 - Socket closed / Connection reset / Unknown host / Connection refused / Socket timeout
- 15.9 Length of fetched data is 0
- 15.10 Page HTML sourcecode is too large
- 16 Could not cut out job offer from given URL
- 17 Cannot process/convert file
- 18 Received no reply document from conversion for document type XXX
- 19 Could not convert to intermediate format
- 20 Could not OCR-process PDF of size XXX
- 21 Could not semantically process data
- 22 End-of-File, expected line
- 23 File is too large for semantic processing
- 24 The document has no pages
- 25 Unparsable JSON format
- 26 Invalid HTML, missing body or HTML node
- 27 Amount of pages in documents to be classified exceeds limit: XX
- 28 Amount of documents to be classified exceeds limit: XX
- 29 Size input file exceeds limit
- 30 CV could not be identified
Username or password not provided
Reason: Either username or password have not been provided
Solution: Provide the correct user credentials you've received from JoinVision for accessing the web service (respect case-sensitivity!)
Username not found
Reason: The provided username is not valid
Solution: Provide the correct user credentials you've received from JoinVision for accessing the web service (respect case-sensitivity!)
Invalid Username/Password
Reason: The username or product token that was provided is not valid
Solution: Provide the correct user credentials you've received from JoinVision for accessing the web service (respect case-sensitivity!)
Invalid Auth Token
Reason: The product token that was provided is not valid
Solution: Provide the correct credentials you've received from JoinVision for accessing the web service (respect case-sensitivity!)
Product locked
Reason: The product you are trying to access is locked
Solution: Please contact the JoinVision Sales Team
Product expired
Reason: The product you are trying to access expired
Solution: Please contact the JoinVision Sales Team
Authentication via Password not supported
Reason: The authentication method you are using is no longer supported.
Solution: Please authenticate with your product token instead of your password!
Account locked
Reason: Your account has been locked
Solution: Please contact the JoinVision Sales Team
One or more parameters are not provided
Reason: The method contract has been violated
Solution: Provide values for all method parameters
No enum constant com.jv.iex.models.Model.XXXX
Reason: The provided extraction model String is invalid
Solution: Provide a valid extraction model identifier
File length too short
Reason: The size of the provided input file is too short for being a valid (binary) input file for semantic extraction
Solution: Provide a valid (binary) file for extraction
Too many requests are currently processed by this user (queue length exceeded)
Reason: You've started too many requests to the web service at the same time. The maximum amount of parallel requests is currently limited to 10 calls, whereas not more than 2 calls can be processed at the same time. The remaining calls will be queued.
If a request stays in the queue for more than 30 seconds, it will be discarded.
Solution: Reduce the amount of parallel requests to our service to a maximum of 10. Please note that multiple extraction requests will not speed up the extraction process, as only 2 requests will be processed simultaneously. If more parallel connections are required, please get in touch with us
Too many concurrent connections from same IP: XX
Reason: You've started too many request to the web service at the same time from the same IP address. The maximum amount of parallel requests is limited to 10.
Solution: Reduce the amount of parallel requests to our service to a maximum of 10.
Input Data/File is locked because it’s currently processed or has caused errors within the last XX hours and is therefore rejected
Reason a: The file or URL provided for processing has caused an error within the last XX hours (dynamic value)
Solution a: Do not re-issue a request shortly after it has failed for the first time - in virtually all cases the result will not be different. Retry failed URLs after some period of time in order to check if the remote resource has changed or is now available
Reason b: The file or URL provided for processing is already being processed by another request (because you have sent a request twice, for example)
Solution b: Do not send the same request/document more than once at the same time
Could not filter job offer from URL
Here is a list of the most common errors that can occur if remote pages are crawled. This list is not exhaustive, as it depends on the remote host which errors are thrown.
HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Reason: The URL passed for semantic analysis is not accessible without authorization
Solution: Provide a URL pointing to a resource which is accessible without prior authorization
HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Reason: The URL references a resource where access is not permitted
Solution: Provide a URL pointing to a resource which is accessible via a generic HTTP GET request
HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Reason: The URL references a resource that is not available (any more) at the time of fetching
Solution: Validate the URL and/or provide a URL pointing to an existing resource
HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Reason: The server cannot process a generic HTTP GET request to the provided URL
Solution: Validate the URL and/or get in touch with the operator of the remote server
HTTP request failed: HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Reason: The URL references a server that is not available at the time of extraction
Solution: Retry to process the URL at a later point in time (at least 60 minutes later) and/or get in touch with the service operator of the remote server
Illegal Character in fragment at index XX
Reason: The URL contains invalid characters
Solution: Provide a valid URL following the specification